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Assemblea soci 2025 -> Informati e partecipa

Soci In Rete

Viaggi solidali, prodotti bio ed equi, abbigliamento, libri, e molto altro.

Scopri tutte le offerte attive e contatta la persona o l’organizzazione socia che le propone.


Energia rinnovabile


Field Study Abroad

Indirizzo: v. Flaminia, 657 - 00191 Roma

Cellulare: 3388153787

Email: info@fieldstudyabroad.org

Sito web: https://www.fieldstudyabroad.org

Presentazione del Socio

Universities all around the world are gaining a key role in sustainable development and cooperation through an increasing number of graduates and PhDs focused on these topics.
There is also a need to reduce distances between the technical view of cooperation and the social sciences, as well as between the didactics and the practical experience on field.
Professionals from the technical, economic and social sectors involved in development cooperation are called to interact in interdisciplinary and transnational contexts.
Such skill has nowadays become essential for a meaningful and sustainable contribution within the working environment.
This is the goal of the course “Engineering for Developing Communities (EDC)” at Columbia University, New York, of the “Co-operation and Design for Development (CDD)” course at the Sapienza University of Rome, “Global Leadership and Sustainable Development “(GDLS) of Hawaii Pacific University and the Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) at the University of Cambridge (UK).
Interactions among this matters are well elaborated during the Field Study Abroad promoted by the Interuniversity Research Center for Sustainable Development -CIRPS- of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and the non-profit organization “Tecnologie Solidali”with the advisory of Meridiana Energy consulting.