With the savings that it raises, Banca Etica finances mainly projects, companies and organizations that are capable of producing social and environmental value in one of the following areas.
- COOPERATION and INNOVATION Social services, education and health, fighting social exclusion, providing employment for the disadvantaged.
- INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Providing funding to non-profit organizations and NGOs working in the southern areas of the world, supporting Fair Trade, training for micro-enterprises and development of partnerships.
- ENVIRONMENT Reduction of energy consumption, development of renewable energy sources, promotion of organic and bio-dynamic farming and sustainable projects.
- CULTURE and CIVIC SOCIETY Promotion of a culture of legality, enhancement of artistic and cultural heritage, support for non-profit associations and projects for socio-cultural leadership, responsible tourism.
Banca Etica complements traditional economic investigation with a socio-environmental assessment of loan applicants. This evaluation is based on parameters such as democratic participation, transparency, equal opportunities, respect for the environment, compliance with working conditions, local ties. The socio-environmental assessment is carried out by the “social assessor”, an active member who is specially trained and certified by Banca Etica.
See our Impact Report